Thursday, August 21, 2008

School House Rock Lyrics!

This is so much fun!

If you go here, you can get all the lyrics to the School House Rock thingies! Remember those? I STILL use those tunes to remember things. I mean, anyone of my generation who actually knows the Preamble to the Constitution (WHICH I DO!), only knows it by singing it to the School House Rock tune.


(now going to be singing "We the order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, and ensure domestic tranquiliteee--ee-eee...")


Michelle said...

Provide for the common defense

Promote the general welfare ah-hand

Ensure the (trappings?) of liberty

To ourselves and our posterity

Do ordain and establish this Constitution

For the

United States ah-ah-of

America... ah

J.G. said...

I do remember those a little bit; they used to play during Saturday morning cartoons when I was young... kind of an interesting way to help kids remember otherwise boring school-related stuff:)

Katherine C. Teel said...

Scripter, you must be just a little bit younger than me (and Michelle)--or you would know all the words to all of them! I really enjoyed your site, btw. I have a film and book review site, too, and I love to hear other people's thoughts. Thanks for posting!

Kristina said...

yes, yes, yes!

We actually have it on cd. The girls love to listen to it!

Thanks for the link!

Katherine C. Teel said...

How fun! I wish we had that... I'll have to look for it next time we're in the city.