Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Only One Issue...But a Big One

I'm not a one-issue voter, but I will admit that I have a pretty short list of things that will win or lose my vote. On the short list are the full spectrum of family life issues, which includes abortion, euthanasia, health care, capital punishment, taxation, child welfare, education, adoption legislation, employment, and probably some others I'll think of after I publish this post.

This post is only going to focus on one of those issues, but it will have a sequel in a few moments.

Senator Obama stated that if elected, he would immediately sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act. I want to offer two perspectives on that act, one from Pat Buchanan, called A Catholic Case Against Barack, and one from NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, which is a summary of the legislation and their reasons for supporting it.

Pay special attention to the part where the NARAL document refers to a ban on a "safe abortion method." That refers to partial-birth abortion, and you can find that procedure described here, if you have the stomach for it. Also pay attention to the part in the Buchanan article where he seems to be saying that Obama not only supports abortion rights, but the rights of parents, doctors, and nurses to either actively or passively end the lives of children already born. That's going to be part 2...

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