Sunday, August 10, 2008

Red Letter Day for the Teels

Today was a big day for all my babies.

AJ found out that she has been cast in a play she tried out for this weekend! She will be the paper delivery girl in a show called "Birds of a Feather." It's being put on by the local community theater, Rebel's Bluff Theater. I'll let y'all know when we have more information.

Sabra got her first boyfriend today! He is a very nice boy named Bradley. He has liked Sabra forever, and he asked her out a few months ago and she said no, but then she regretted it, so today they got together. (Daddy is pouting, but I think in time he'll remember that he actually likes young Bradley) Bradley told Sabra that now that they have lockers, he's going to put her picture in his.

And David learned how to ride a two-wheeler! AJ took his training wheels off and Sabra pushed him around in the street behind our house until he got it. And now he's great, like he's always been doing it. I think he just got tired of being left behind by the big kids.

So, my babies are great, and I'm very proud of them.



Kristina said...

They sound wonderful!

Mark Teel said...

No boys!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Uncle Mark. Boys are smelly.

Annie said...

MOST EXCELLENT BABIES you have there! Smooches to all.

Katherine C. Teel said...

Thanks, everyone...I have to agree, they are pretty awesome babies. And as for boys...well... as long as it's just about going for bike rides and sharing popcorn, I think we're okay.


Anonymous said...

Daddy Matt needs to remember that he had a girlfriend before he was even in kindergarten! But Papa Dave agrees with Uncle Mark - no boys. I say, you go girl!!

Katherine C. Teel said...

She got asked out by anothe rboy today at school--can you believe it? It was a new boy who saw her for the first time yesterday and asked her out today.

High school is going to be very rough on me...