Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin Is a Perfect Choice for Conservatives

I keep hearing liberals and Democrats say that John McCain's choice of Alaska governor Sarah Palin is "surprising," and "interesting." I've heard them say, "That won't go over with the conservatives..." and "The conservatives won't like that!"


Let's get something straight, my friends. Conservative does not mean sexist, oppressive, or cultural throwbacks. If these opinions are hinting that conservatives do not want a woman in one of the highest offices in the world, the opinion holders are ill-informed and misguided.

The fact is, Governor Palin finally, finally gives conservatives something to be excited about. Up to now, we've mostly been resigned to voting for John McCain because we are appalled by the idea of Barack Obama being president. Many conservatives were actually thinking about not voting at all.

Sarah Palin changes all that.

She is pro-life, and she put her money where her mouth is when her own sonograms showed that her son would be born with Down Syndrome. Many people think that's a sufficient reason for an abortion, but Gov. Palin and her husband didn't think so.

She is a member of Feminists for Life, an activist group that protects the rights of women and their children.

She opposes same-sex marriage, but extended domestic partner benefits to all state employees in Alaska.

She is a lifetime member of the NRA, and supports the 2nd Ammendment rights of American citizens, as well as gun safety training for youth.

Her husband is a blue-collar worker (a commerical fisherman), and her son is in the Army, getting ready to be shipped to Iraq. They have 5 children in all.

She sold the governor's jet after taking office, because she said there was no need to make the tax payers pay for it. As mayor and governor, she tightened the budget, halted wasteful government projects, and rooted out corruption in both parties--she sure didn't spare Republicans.

So, yeah...she's a true conservative, and conservatives are pumped!

But you know what I like? She's a lot like me and most of the people I know. She was on the PTA, ran for city council, became mayor and them defeated her own party's incumbent to become governor. She's a working mom, married to a hard-working dad, just trying to take care of her kids and do her part to make their world a better place. That's what normal people are like.

Unlike some people who attended private schools in Hawaii...that's nothing like anyone I ever met. Governor Palin didn't come from privilege, and she makes me believe the American myth that anyone can become President. That was an ideal I'd left behind a long time ago...but maybe this one real human being can prove that it's true.

God bless America.


Maevenly said...

OKay --

Normally, I just chose NOT to comment on politally charged comments/posts... And, to that extent, I'm not going to.

Politics and personal perceptions are to respected, rejoiced and revelled in because there are so many other places in world where such basic freedoms are prohibited.

My comment is going to be this: Sarah Palin is a knee-jerk reaction, on behalf of the McCain campaign, because Obama did NOT put Hilary Clinton on his ticket.

And my opinion (and that's all it is, just an opinion) is based on the fact that Sarah Palin is grossly UNQUALIFIED for the position of Vice President of the United States.

1. Her Passport is only a year old. She's yet to travel extensively.

2. She has NO EXPERIENCE in international relations. Laura Bush is on record, conceeding that Palin has no foriegn policy experience, but tags on a, 'but she's a quck learner'.

3. Whenever ANYONE brings up the fact that Palin is lacking in any area of experience, the tag line of 'she's a quick learner' is promptly attached - like it's a reverse-caveat!

4. She's been a govenor of a state - for 2 years! JUST 2! And, you know what? Since she's joined the McCain Campaign, she's been back to Alaska for total of 7 days. Her staff answers to McCain-hired personnel and shared in an interview that they get 'text-messages from Palin' and that 'all anyone's working on at the moment is Alaska's budget - the state's bugget! - so she really isn't needed, in person, at the state house'. *sigh*

5. She is committed to reversing Roe vs Wade. No matter which side of the 'right to life' you support, to take away such a basic, private, personal right is something that would irrevocably harm future generations of our daughters and grandaughters.

Kat, this is not a personal attack. I agree with 98% of what you shared. But, I can't/couldn't 'not' say anything. Sarah Palin would be an excellent candidate for the White House - but in 4-8 years from now.

What she personifies, the American Dream, is something for all of us to rejoice and celebrate.

Katherine C. Teel said...

Wow, I don't know how I missed this. I like Sarah Palin, and think she'd be an excellent VP--and an excellent President, in 4-8 years. She has as much executive experience as any president since Nixon, since with the exception of Bush 1, they were all governors of states. And she has a heck of a lot more experience than Obama in every area except being a senator--but that's a close call, since Obama has spent all his Senate time running for president.

I think she's as qualified as any other governor who ran in this race, but I also feel like she's the only person in this election who has any idea what my life is like. That's why she's such a great addition to the McCain team. She can remind him what regular people's lives are like, and how his policies will affect the lives of regular people. He's got enough foreign policy experience for both of them, but she's got the reality check the whole system needs.

And, Nan, my dear friend, I figure if I'm going to post political things, I should expect a few comments, so I will never take it personally or take offense if you respond to them!