Monday, March 8, 2010

March Observances

The month of March is:

* Cataract Awareness Month
* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month
* Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
* Craft Month
* Deaf History Month
* Feminine Empowerment Month
* Foot Health Month
* Frozen Food Month
* Furniture Refinishing Month
* Gardening, Nature and Ecology Books Month
* Hemophilia Month
* Humorists Are Artists Month
* International Hamburger & Pickle Month
* Irish-American Heritage Month
* Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
* Music in Our Schools Month
* Middle School Month
* Mirth Month
* Noodle Month
* Nutrition Month
* Peanut Month
* Poison Prevention Awareness Month
* Professional Social Work Month
* Red Cross Month
* Rosacea Awareness Month
* Social Worker's Month
* Talk with Your Teen about Sex Month
* Women's History Month
* Youth Art Month

First Week in March

* American Summer Camp Week
* Federal Employees Recognition Week
* Pet Sitters Week

Second Week in March:

* Girl Scout Week
* Procrastination Week (Second Week of March)

Third Week in March:

* Campfire Boys and Girls Birthday Week - Observed the week containing March 17th
* Chocolate Week
* Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week
* Poison Prevention Week

Fourth Week in March:

*Egg Salad Week


1 National Pig Day
1 Peanut Butter Lovers Day
2 Read Across America Day
3 National Anthem Day
6 Dentist's Day
6 Frozen Food Day
8 International Women's Day
9 Cabin Fever Day
11 Organize Your Home Office Day
14 Potato Chip Day
14 Save a Spider Day
16 Hiccup Day
19 Chocolate Caramel Day
20 Barbie Doll Day
20 Earth Day
22 Goof Off Day
22 National Sing Out Day
24 Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
25 Waffle Day
27 Fly a Kite Day
28 Something on a Stick Day
28 Weed Appreciation Day
30 Doctor's Day


Anonymous said...

Can't we put off Procrastination Week until the third or fourth week?

Katherine C. Teel said... thoughts exactly. I heard it was actually supposed to be in early January, though.