Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AJ and JC

About 2 Christmases ago, "David" got Abby the Jesus Christ Superstar concept album (I put David in quotes because he didn't exactly go out and buy it, you know?). Being the dramatic young Christian girl that AJ is, we knew she'd really like it. When I was a teenager, I used to play the movie soundtrack at full volume on my back deck while singing and acting out all the parts--and we figured that AJ, not being THAT different from me, would enjoy doing the same thing.

However, in a 2-year fit of contrariness, she refused to listen to the CDs (and yes, she can maintain a fit for 2 years without breaking a sweat). But a few weeks ago, I was listening to it in the car on my way to my classes in Cassville (where AJ likes to come and sit in), and she really started getting into it. Disturbingly, her favorite song is the one that the high priests sing, and I have to admit, it IS catchy. By the time we got to campus, she was belting out, "Must die! Must die! This Jesus must die!"

It was a special moment.

Anyway, she uploaded the whole thing onto her i-pod, and she asked me if we could play the soundtrack in the car again on the way to class Thursday. I admit that I have said once or twice, "I KNEW you'd like it if you gave it a chance!" I am trying very hard not to let that become "I told you so..." but it's not easy.

By the way, did anyone see the 2001 remake of JCSS? I've seen bits of it, and it seems to be as awful as everyone says, but I was interested to see that Rik Mayall played the role of King Herod. Does anyone else remember him from The Young Ones? God, I thought that show was funny when I was in high school.

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