Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My 2nd Favorite Month

Actually, my favorite month is not April. April is my second-favorite month. I love the flowering trees, especially. Two of my favorite flowers are lilacs and dogwoods, and those are out in profusion in April. Here in the Ozarks, we have dogwood of all different colors, thought I think that maybe the ubiquitous white is still my favorite. And of course, since Easter is usually in April, it's the perfect time to tell the story of the legend of the dogwood tree.

Another thing about April that I love is that after March's cruel teasing (is it winter? is it spring? I don't know!), April might have some cold days, but it can only move toward springtime. Of course, that means not only warmth and sunshine, but also storms, which I really, really love. We've already had some excellent and dramatic thunder storms; they were incredible. There's nothing like a good thunderstorm.

In case you were wondering, my favorite month is October. But April's a really close second.


Maevenly said...

Oh, Girlfriend, you and I are BOTH storm-lovers!

Give me thunder, rain, lightening, whipping winds, power flickers/outages, crashing surf and crackling tree limbs and I'm all a-shiver! The bf KNOWS that if there's a storm, there's gonna be some lovin'!

I know tornados are dangerous and nothing to underestimate, but I do have this disturbing craving to experience one. Not one so bad that I pray that I'll live to see another day, but one where I get to see the skies darken, the wind suddenly change, lightening crackle and the hail fall.

So - I guess that what I'll looking for is a 'girlie' tornado - enough to make a fuss but not enough to relocate someone's house or get anyone hurt.

And, likewise, next time we're due for a hurricane, I'll make sure you're here and we'll go out in it and watch the storm come ashore...


Katherine C. Teel said...

Maevenly, the first time I ever saw the ocean, I was in my 20's, I was in Norfolk, Virginia visiting my sister for Thanksgiving, and it was a stormy November day. It was absolutly perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.

Tornadoes are to be feared and respected... but they ARE exciting, too. I don't want people to get hurt, but I also find it very satisfying that there are some things human beings can't control.

I would love to come and stand on the shore with you during a hurricane. But I don't think you'll get me on a boat. And you can come out here and stand on the curb with the men, stare at the sky, nod wisely, and say, "Yep, there's a tornado comin'."