Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well, I ran for school board here in Mount Vernon, but I lost. :(

Yet, I am not discouraged. I have a plan for next time. Here it is:

All y'all need to move down here and vote for me.

I lost by a pretty small margin, which I calculate to be the other guy's relatives and friends. So, if my relatives and friends come down and vote, I am so in.

So, my dear ones...if you could get to work on that, that would be great.

Love you!


Maevenly said...


I have two different answers to offer:

1. I would be HONORED to make my legal residence Missouri if it meant you'd be elected to the school board.

2. Guess there's no telling just how many relatives will come out of the woodwork when an elected position is on the line...

Any way to blame the results of the election on the voting machines and call for a re-count? Or, is there a 'morals clause' that we - I - can help this person violate so that you can take over their spot when their removed from office?


Unknown said...

The day after Obama's election, I watched several of his followers talking before television cameras, bragging that they had voted for him more than once. So, why wouldn't that work in your case?