Monday, November 3, 2008

Some Last Minute Election Information

Here is some information that I got when I was doing political fundraising. My classes found it useful, so I though y'all might as well. It lays out what each political party generally says about some of the major issues. I know that not everybody follows the entire line of their chosen party, but these are generally what each party says.


Republicans: Believe that tax cuts to all tax-paying Americans generate economic growth, which results in more tax revenue for the government.
Democrats: Believe in keeping tax rates at a higher level to provide for social programs.


Republicans: Want to control or decrease spending. If necessary, programs should be reduced to control spending.
Democrats: Believe that spending is necessary to provide services to the nation. Believe increasing taxes will allow more programs to be funded.

Size of Government

Republicans: Believe that a smaller national government is best. Believe that the states should decide how to implement programs successfully in their state.
Democrats: Believe that there should be a large national government. Believe that decisions should be made in Washington DC and then communicated to the states.

National Defense

Republicans: Want a strong and large military. Believe that decisions regarding military action may be made without United Nations approval.
Democrats: Want an average strength and sized military, because we can depend on our allies to help us. We must have United Nations approval before any action outside of our own country is taken.

Social Security

Republicans: Allow individuals to have some control over their retirement monies, including the possibility of privately investing their social security funds.
Democrats: The federal government should control the investment, investing in Treasury bills, and increasing the national debt if necessary.


Republicans: Support farmers by opening new markets for the products to be sold. Create a fair export/tariff system.
Democrats: Support farmers by giving them price supports and guaranteeing a price for the products produced.


Republicans: Most are strongly pro-life and vote in favor of stronger restrictions on abortion.
Democrats: Most are strongly pro-choice and fight efforts to make obtaining an abortion more challenging.

Gun Control

Republicans: Interpret the 2nd Ammendment as guaranteeing private gun ownership. Want to preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
Democrats: Support gun control initiatives. Believe in national registries and regulating the sales of guns. Interpret 2nd Ammendment as allowing for state militias alone.


Republicans: Decisions should be made with consideration for the population that is impacted by the decision and the environmental impact of the decision.
Democrats: Decisions should be made in favor of the environment, whatever the other economic consequences may be.

So...everybody ready for tomorrow?

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