Friday, January 8, 2010

Tough Topics Question

I think I mentioned a while back that we have these books full of thought-provoking questions. So, here's one of them:

Which would be worse? Getting caught cheating on a test or being forced to tell on a friend who cheated?

It would be worse to get caught cheating on a test.

First of all, how could someone force me to tell on someone? I can't see a teacher torturing me or something extreme like that. If I intend to keep a secret, I'll keep it.

Second, if I'm going to cheat, I hope I'd do it well. This is half my problem with the plagiarizers who come through my class. They don't even try not to get caught. They do it badly. At least take some pride in your criminal activities, people.

But most importantly, if I got caught cheating, it means I cheated. It means that I somehow became a person who would cheat. I have lost all sense of honor and honesty. I don't want that ever to be me. I don't have much that I can claim, but I have my family, a few dear friends, my faith and my honor. Anything else can be taken away, but not those. God help me if I ever choose to give any of those things away of my own accord.


Annie said...

I agree with you, Kat. First of all, I also don't see how anyone could "force" me to tell on a friend... maybe there's blackmail involved or something... but if that were the case I think I would really just be a pawn in someone else's bigger game anyway so I can't see any personal repercussions there. However, if I were the one cheating and got caught, it seems to me that I'd be about due for a wake-up call... I don't even cheat when I play solitaire!

Katherine C. Teel said...

Exactly! Though I can't imagine what anyone could use to blackmail me--I never DO anything! And if I did cheat, and got caught, I would deserve what I got. As I tell my students, every time I catch them.

Maevenly said...

I gotta say, I'm with you all.

If I ever got myself into a situation where I felt like I had to cheat in order to pass a test, and I got caught cheating for that fore-mentioned test, I'd hold my wrists out and beg to be taken away in chains.

Like Kat said - if I hadn't considered all the angles and didn't plan for evey contingency, then I deserve to get caught! Who wants to be the one known for being stupid enough to get caught?

As for telling a friend/being forced to tell a friend that someone's cheating on them? Would never happen - unless there was some sort of extreme duress. But, even if there was some sort of ridiculous leverage applied to me that compelled me to tell John that Mary cheated on him with Paul - so be it! The person playing me would have totally slipped a 'get out of jail free card' into my pocket! I could totally throw that person 'under the bus' and say that 'so-and-so made me tell you'!

That is, unless I was pissed at John or fed up with Mary and *that's* the reason why I tipped the proverbial apple-cart. In which case, I wouldn't care if I ratted out one lover to another. My righteous indignation wouldn't cost me a moment's worth of sleep!


Katherine C. Teel said...

You're totally right... if my friend cheated, then he/she deserves what they get, too. It's like my kids being mad when one of them tattles on the other. I'm not a fan of tattling (because then I have to deal with it), but if YOU weren't doing something wrong, your sister wouldn't have anything to tattle about!

I wouldn't go out of my way to tell, though. I'd mind my own business unless someone asked me a direct question. In that case, I might refuse to answer, but I wouldn't lie.

blondie said...

hmmm...interesting question! Being a contrarian, here's (hopefully) some food for thought.

I guess the thing for me is what you call 'worse.' What are the consequences?

If I'm going to cheat on a test, I would weigh the consequences of getting caught against the consequences of passing/excelling on the test. If I go through with it and get caught, I suffer the consequences of that decision...and if they are severe enough, it suppose it could be 'worse.' But, I did the crime, so I do the time. The moral question is do I commit the crime?

Now when it comes to 'forcing' me to tell on her...I don't see that as meaning undergoing water-boarding (which would definitely be 'worse'). Much more subtle forms of pressure can be brought to bear. Presumably I know what she did was wrong, and those seeking to indict her would play on my beliefs of good vs. evil. As a parent it's a technique I've used myself...the dreaded guilt trip.

The thing I find 'worse' about being forced to turn in a friend is that there is no win for me, the innocent party. I had no choice - I didn't decide to commit a crime, nor did I decide to turn her in. While turning her in might be the 'right thing to do,' I'd suffer with feeling disloyal, and the possibility of losing the trust of others.

I think being forced is 'worse' - because in that case, I'm going to suffer, one way or another, and I didn't do anything.

Which is why I try to have friends who won't cheat... 8-)


Michelle said...

I'm with you, Kat. But then, I'm old-fashioned - "honor" actually means something to me. I know, it's SO untrendy, LOL. But if I ever lost my mind and cheated, I'd hope I got caught. Cheating is stoopid.

Katherine C. Teel said...

Blondie, I never thought about it the way that you laid it out. Truly being forced is a no-win situation, and it's not like your suffering is the price of your own actions. Definitely an interesting way to look at it.

Michelle--you and me both, hon. But we'll teach our kids, and they'll teach their kids, and it won't entirely be lost.