Thursday, January 14, 2010

Freaky Human Faced Lamb Born in Turkey

Have you seen this news story? My sweetie was trying to describe it to me before I saw it, and it was hard to imagine...therefore I am including the pic. This little guy was born dead, and he had no hair all over his body.

Some people are saying that this is what you get when a man has sex with a sheep. I'm no doctor or biologist (I mostly spent high school Biology making passes at Matt), but isn't that sort of impossible? It's clearly some kind of freakish mutation, but what are the odds that a mutation has a face like that?

Of course, you could say it's just a mutation, just a deformation like others that happen in nature, and it's only the human mind that sees shapes and calls them faces. But looks a lot like a face. I wish there were more pics, but this is the only one I can find. It doesn't say what happened to the lamb.


Annie said...

That is one of the freakiest things I've ever seen. But I agree, that could just be a mutated lamb and it's just the human eye seeing something like a human face. I certainly don't believe it's the product of man-sheep love.

But it's certainly creepy! Poor ugly lambymanface.

Katherine C. Teel said...

I know...very weird, huh?