Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Would You Rather...

The youth group at my church has a book that's full of "Would You Rather" questions. Some of them are kind of goofy, but some are pretty thought-provoking. So, here's today's question:

Would you rather be rich or famous?

This seems like a no-brainer to me. I mean, what's fame for, if it's not to ensure wealth? What's the point of being a famous poor person?

So, obviously, I would rather be rich, if those were my choices. If I were rich, then I could quit my jobs and Matt and I could work on our books (which are terribly hard to complete when have to keep leaving the computer to go to work...) and then we could get famous that way.

But we don't particularly want to be famous, anyway. We mostly just want to be left alone. I don't really need to be rich, either--all I want is to have enough with some occasional extras: a night out, a vacation, a book or CD bought on the spur of the moment...

So, what do y'all think? Would you rather be rich or famous?


Mark said...

I just want to have enough money to stop worrying.

Katherine C. Teel said...

Exactly! Us, too.

But of course, that's not what the question asks.

Annie said...

I think I agree with you; I'd rather have the money to live freely, and if I become famous as a consequence, so be it. :)