Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Help Bring Jonas and Ellie Home

My friend Kristina and her husband Todd are trying to adopt two beautiful 3-year-olds from Haiti. It has been a long, hard process for them--why is it that the world works so hard against us when we just want to do a good and loving thing? Check out their blog here

The blog does include a pitch for donations...they need about $3500 for each child to get them home. They aren't asking much, just $1 a person. Go to the blog and look at those faces, and $1 won't seem like enough. Don't worry, you don't have to limit it to $1, you can give more.

Adoption is so hard sometimes; Kristina says in her blog that if they can just get these babies home, they can provide for them just fine. Why in the world are there so many roadblocks for a family who wants to love and provide for kids that have no other home? Why aren't people, agencies, charities, governments rushing to hand these families money? Every adopting family goes through something like this--it's not a smooth or easy process for anyone. The world is so stupidly upside down sometimes.

Kristina and Todd are good, loving, Christian people. Jonas and Ellie are doing okay so far, but their mom, dad, and sisters want them home so badly. If a dollar really is too much for you (and believe me, I've been there), please pray for them, and pass their blog link on to others.

Love y'all,

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Thank you Kathy! I am humbled by your friendship and desire to help!

It's true, we Harry Potter fans really do stick together!