Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Braggin' on my Girls

School's out Friday, so this week a lot of results from the year's scholarship have come in for the kids. The big one is that BOTH of my girls were the top readers in their entire grades--80-100 kids! Sabra got almost 400 AR points, and AJ read 73 books (of course they stopped counting last week, but she's read 3 or 4 since then).

They stand in a long line of great readers...from Grama to Mom to me and my siblings (not to mention their daddy!) to them. I am really really proud, but not really surprised, because my kids are AWESOME!!!



Michelle said...

Well done, girls! Reading is just the best. You can go anywhere, do anything, see anyone... it's just fantastic.

I had three of my four teacher conferences yesterday. The kindergarten teacher told me that she stopped testing Andy once he'd reached the 'end of first grade' reading tests. Woo hoo! Y'd think I read to these children every night or something.

Katherine C. Teel said...

It just makes so much difference, doesn't it? Another great benefit is that we have so many interesting things to talk about when we read stuff together.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are awesome!!

Their Grammy