Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pray for China

Speaking of religious persecution, the world's host for the Summer 2008 Olympic Games is high on the list of persecutors. Christians and others are imprisoned regularly, but for some reason the IOC thought this would be a good place to go.

You can read more about China and the Olympics here.

Up until the Olympics have concluded, I am going to be wearing a bracelet that says simply, "Pray for China." You can see a picture of it, as well as a brief description of the deperate need for prayer for China, here. Also on that page, you can order a free one for yourself from Voice of the Martyrs.

I am ordering extra, too, so if you want, you can order a free one from me!

Please keep praying for China. The West doesn't dare alientate them because they represent such a huge market as well as a source for cheap labor and cheap merchandise. That gives the Chinese government a veneer of respectability they haven't earned--not while they are acting as violent tyrants over their own people. If you are a Christian, some of those people are our people--our brothers and sisters.


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