Monday, January 18, 2010

Term is Starting Up

Well, Matt and I both go back to teaching this week. I have to confess I can't really get that excited about it. I always like it when I'm there, though, so that's a good thing.

I have to put together my syllabi this week--sooner, rather than later, since my first classes are Thursday. And we'll have the talk about plagiarism, which they will either totally forget by the end of the semester or think doesn't apply to them somehow. I feel sort of bad, every new class has to pay for the sins of the class before them...and in some cases, I'm still ticked off about those other classes.

I've got Speech and World Religions at Crowder this semester, but only once a week, not twice a week. Speech once a week means we have to get a ton done on that one night, and the class seems to move really fast. World Religions will be in a format I've never used before--flex time, which means one hour of classroom time instead of 3, and the rest of it online. I think that might be fun, though, because if they read the lectures on their own (I know that's asking a lot), then I can use the class time for video clips, music, discussion, etc. Those are all things I've wanted to do more of in religion, anyway.

Then at Drury, I have my Life and Teachings of Jesus class. I've done this twice now, and the first time, it was a great experience. I had 12 students, they asked lots of questions and we had good discussions. Last time I had 4 students who were not as much fun, energy was low, and it was hard to get any participation. I guess we'll see how it goes this time. It really is one of my favorites to teach, though.

So, Matt goes in tomorrow and I go in Thursday. Wish us luck.


Michelle said...

Cheers, girlfriend! I'm supposed to have my first class tomorrow AM at 9 - but I haven't heard back from the professor and have NO idea where it's being held. I can get onto campus at 8:30, but it's not "my" campus, so I don't know if I'll solve the mystery before 9.

Katherine C. Teel said...

So how did this turn out, Michelle? I assume you've found your class by now?