Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I didn't really wake up cynical this morning, but as I consider writing about my New Year's Resolutions, I kind of wonder why I bother. For the most part, they're the same as last year: lose weight (because I have serious concerns about becoming diabetic, a real possibility for me)(also, I want my sweetie to think I'm pretty, even though I'm turning 40 this year), and make more money (gotta happen, I have kids starting college in 4 years).

I also want to have a more disciplined prayer life, make some repairs around the house, and finish at least one of the 4 novels I've started.

I am grateful for new beginnings, especially big ones like whole new years. I'm just discouraged that I've never actually kept a New Year's resolution.

One major thing has changed, though. I am no longer pastoring my little church (I'm still a minister, I'm just not working in a church). My sweetie and I have started a freelance writing and editing business. So, a major New Year's resolution is to make that work. We've thought it through, and I think it will work--we wouldn't have taken that step if we didn't. It's a pretty big deal to make such a huge income change, and it's a little scary, but something had to change, and this has the potential of actually going somewhere (unlike part-time teaching or part-time ministering).

So, I guess that 2010 is going to be a little different. That's a good thing. Maybe one of the differences will be that I actually reach some of the goals I've set for myself.


Michelle said...

You're not yet 40, and you have kids starting college in 4 years. Me, I'll be 44 at the end of the month, and my oldest starts MIDDLE school in September. Whew!

Becoming fit is always a good idea - I'm pursuing that goal, too. Diabetes is serious business. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself.

Good luck with the new business! It's a brave and scary thing to do - may you be richly blessed <3

(my Captcha words is amiccu - very close to amicus, Latin for friend!)

Katherine C. Teel said...

Nice, amica! Thanks for the support, hon. Really. It's about ZERO degrees here today, so I can't exactly get out and walk, but I'll think of something (as I whistle casually and walk by all the dusty work-out tapes...)

Happy new year to you, your awesome kids, and your sweet little bunnies.

Annie said...

WOW, Kat! That is really fantastic about the new business! How exciting. It's something you're both good at and enjoy, so I just know this will be a success! As far as the losing weight and fending off diabetes goes, when Mom was diagnosed as borderline, she switched from sugar to Splenda, and from table salt to Morton's light salt, and only used it in cooking, not to season food. And she went to one cup of coffee a day. That's all she did, and not only did it keep her from getting diabetes, but she also lost like 40lbs. Do you remember that? She went from a 16 to an 8-10 or something. Little changes like that I think can be the key, because if you try to rearrange your whole lifestyle, it's gonna be much much harder to stick with it. I need to lose weight this year too, so if you come across anything that works, let me know and I'll do the same! Love you!!

Katherine C. Teel said...

Thanks, sweetie! I do remember when Mom lost all that weight. She also started exercising, and I was like, "Who are you and what have you done with my mother?" This was the same woman who made us drop her off at the front of the store before we went to find a parking place. So...light salt, huh? That's do-able. I already do Splenda, so that's good. Thanks for the comment love!