Tuesday, October 14, 2008

But they're not terrorists...

This weekend, the Bush administration took North Korea off the Terrorist Nation list. This is in spite of the fact that North Korea is the #1 persecutor of Christians in the world, and has been for 6 years running--imprisoning, torturing, and killing more Christian believers than China, the Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iran or Iraq.

I don't know if anyone needed more proof that the United States is not a Christian nation by a long shot, but if you did, you can read more about it here. No Christian nation would normalize relations with a country that leaves 400,000 brothers and sisters not only without religious freedom, but in fear for their lives because of their faith.

I'm not President Bush's biggest fan, but I don't usually think he's as bad as the press makes him out to be. But this...? I don't know what to do with this.

If you are a praying person, pray for Christians and other religious people suffering for their faith, in North Korea and around the world.


Anonymous said...

and yet we align ourselves with Saudi, where it is illegal to be anything but Muslim and wahhabi at that.

not to mention Osama bin Laden is actually saudi, and the "ancestral homeland"is unfair to Yemen.

Katherine C. Teel said...

Good point. I think any high ground we want to claim when it comes to human rights is hollow at best. Saudis have the oil we want, so they don't count, and China has a billion potential buyers-of-our-stuff, so they don't count...who does count? If not North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or China, whose human rights abuses can possibly trump our economic indulgences? I don't know that I'm willing to have someone tortured just so I can buy cheaper shoes and plastic dodads.