Saturday, August 16, 2008

Police Publicity Video

Let's see if I can figure out how to stick a video in this post. Anyway, this is an amusing video posted by the Baltimore Police Department (who deal with serious stuff--Baltimore's a hard-core town), showing in a tongue-in-cheek way the things that police deal with every day so we don't have to.

Okay, I can't figure it out. So, you'll have to go see it here.

Even in small towns like ours, the police work hard and deal with some scary stuff. They're the good guys, so be respectful. And if you pray, send up a prayer that they will be safe and not too stressed, and give thanks that some people are willing to do some really difficult things so that the rest of us can be safe.



Mark Teel said...

Kat, if you can find this on YouTube, there's an encrypted code that you can copy/paste into your blog.

Katherine C. Teel said...

Mine seems to want me to upload it from my own files, but I can't figure out how to download it to my files so that I can do that. My other blog site, bustablog, just lets me paste in a url.

Ah, well, I'm still learning. Thanks for the info on YouTube; I'll see if I can make that work.

Michelle said...

That was really great, Kat. Thanks for posting it!